Im still finding this activity very useful and thinking this could make a good final solution to my way of learning this topic. The only negative side of this activity as it cane go ..on..and ..on ...on and im having a bit of difficulty knowing when to stop and when i have covered everything. The idea of this activity is to have small manageable amounts of information and i am finding that some concepts are difficult to explain on just one card and require a couple of cards to fully explain it. 

I am finding that the previous source i started looking at right at the start are proving much more useful now i am doing this task. such as the technology-student website however they do not cover everything i ned to know so have had to branch out and look at some other internet source as all the answers are not all in just one place. This is what i am trying to achieve with  my task, create just one place for all the answers (well most of them)